
Week commencing 27th January 2020

Last Friday the children talked about the Chinese New Year and created a dragon together for dancing. This week we will:

  • Discuss the qualities of each animal and what they are good at (PSE, CL)
  • Use chopsticks to move balls (fine motor skills)
  • Move skillfully around the playground using the ribbons with music (P, EAD)
  • Look at the Chinese letters and numbers and attempt to write them (L)
  • Measure the noodles using cubes and numbers (M)
  • Think about different cultures and relate it to our New Year (UtW)
  • Make fire breathing dragons and animals using shapes. (EAD)
  • Role play in the home area and Chinese restaurant. (EAD)

Can you build the Great Wall of China?

Cooking Noodles
Working in the restaurant
Building the Great Wall of China
Using chopsticks
measuring the noodles in blocks